Our Vision
Our vision (Radio 90 FM) is to provide a platform to become the voice of the common man by giving importance to the concept of education and agriculture and aiming at the overall uplift of society through infotainment and edutainment.

Our Mission
To be one of the leading radio services (Radio 90 FM) by providing infotainment, and edutainment to the people and bringing the world closer.
Our Philosophy
We (Radio 90 FM) stand for our beloved listeners through the following pillars: We (Radio 90 FM) believe in the power of Local Radio; We (Radio 90 FM) stand for knowledge eager and knowledge emanating society; We (Radio 90 FM) shall be a focal point for common man, skilled, unskilled and professionals. We (Radio 90 FM) believe in infotainment and edutainment for the betterment of society.
Our Program Design
Radio 90 FM offers an open-door policy of the radio station/studio and encourages walk-ins as well as phone-ins to voice their opinions on issues that impact them or about which they are passionate. Live phone-in programs of Radio 90 FM shall highlight the needs and issues of the people in a wide spectrum of voices from all sections of the population including kids through seniors. The Radio 90 FM station has a content committee and a management committee with representatives from the community, who participate actively in all its operational and programming issues.
Radio 90 FM envisages the programs to the needs and problems of the community on a concurrent and long-term basis. The community plays a significant role in conceiving the content and Radio 90 FM will be at the forefront of truth-based and evaluation analysis that shall benefit all strata of society. To bring about greater participation and depth to the content, the radio station collects information and serves as a bridge between the community and projects from the various faculties of Government like agriculture, animal husbandry, education, and medicine. We plan to update weather and natural disaster updates to the minute to save and protect the lives and property of the people along with regular weather updates. We plan to identify the people who have given valued contributions to society or who can influence society through their thoughts and actions through our program “Radio Gramam” This shall motivate or plant the seeds of growth and future dreams for the next generation. Radio 90 FM will be a focal point in encouraging the culture, art, and music of the locality that we serve. Radio 90 FM plan to open radio clubs in schools and colleges to ensure the participation of the youth for their involvement in the community and nurture value-based citizenship.
Radio 90 FM Team